Protokolle/2025-02-24 Plenum: Revision history

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    24 February 2025

    • curprev 21:4321:43, 24 February 2025Kroetentunnel talk contribs 12,597 bytes +12,597 Created page with "<span id="heutiges-plenum-am-24.02.2025"></span> = Heutiges Plenum am 24.02.2025 = <!-- {{Protokoll |type=Plenum |date=2025-02-24 |time=19:30 |present=12 |guests=4 |moderator=kroetentunnel |writer=kroetentunnel |note= }} --> Protokollanten: kroetentunnel Member: 12 Gäste: 4 [TOC] <span id="workshop-musikelektronik"></span> == Workshop Musikelektronik == * [name=Leander], [name=Yannik] * Organisieren Meetup für Sy..."